
Wednesday, 24 April 2013

pop quiz time!... a little bit about me.

I mentioned last week about my "pop quiz" intensions. Well, here it is! I'm going to create a little series of them, and I thought I'd kick things off with my own. (Yes, my real surname is Trundle, not nearly as pretty as Vaux - which is another family name I am "borrowing", ha).

I'm going to be asking my lovely friends and other creative darlings to fill these out too, as it works really well as a little snippet of someone and hopefully it will become a fun way you guys can find new and inspiring blogs & bloggers.

Plus - the one thing that makes it a little bit more special is that it is filled in USING AN ACTUAL WRITING IMPLEMENT. Say what!? Yes, this is a personal life preference of mine, I find peoples handwriting really interesting and important - especially in this digital world we live in!

Stay tuned for more of these! ALSO - If you'd love to be a part of this series, email me! or leave a comment below. The more the merrier!

Chloe x

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, Chloe - This is a great idea! I'd love to participate if you're still looking. And I also love the new branding - gorgeous and very fitting with your work!
